- Calories : 112
- Fat : 0 grams (g)
- Fiber : 3 g
- Carbs : 29 g
- Protein : 1 g
- Vitamin D : 12% Of The Daily Value (DV)
- Folate : 6% (DV)
- Niacin : 5% (DV)
- Copper : 11% (DV)
- Riboflavin : 7% (DV)
- Magnesium : 8% (DV)
- Potassium : 10% (DV)
- IMPROVE DIGESTIVE HEALTH : ● In the unripe banana there is a type of fiber that is called resistant starch – a prebiotic. Prebiotic escape digestion and goes into large intestine. There it become a food for beneficial bacterias in the guts. ● Moreover, an other type of fiber is also found in both ripe and unripe bananas that is called pectin. It has to. benefits, it. often stools and also prevent constipation.
2. CURE KIDNEY PROBLEMS : As studies reveal that potassium plays a prominent role in functioning healthy kidney and blood flow regulation. So, banana is a great source of potassium too, that’s the reason why banana is considered a healthy. diet for kidney.
3. HOW IT IS GOOD FOR SKIN : Magnesium is a good element for skin health, as a medium size banana contains around 13% of Manganese. Which helps to make collagen and protect our skin and other cells from damage.
4. A VITAL SOURCE OF VITAMIN B6 : About a medium size banana can fullfill requirement of Vitamin B6. And there are umpteen advantages that Vitamin B6 provides. For instance:
- Separate unwanted chemicals from your kidney and liver.
- Metabolise amino acids.
- Sustaine a healthy nervous system.
- Metabolise carbohydrates and fats.
- Also quite beneficial for pregnant women
5. GOOD FOR REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH : There is sufficient folate in bananas- an element that is crucial in pregnancy for development. Consuming bananas support the level of folate and improve overall reproductive health.
- Moreover, during menstruation cycle, it gives relief from abdominal cramp in girls due to Magnesium content.
- Adding banana in the diet for pregnant girls can be quite beneficial. As it contains Vitamin B6 that provides essential nutrients to both mother and her baby. Furthermore, it also reduces morning sickness as well as nausea.
6. HELPS TO GET RID OF ASTHMA : Some studies suggest that banana can improve respiratory health and cure asthma due to potassium element in banana. Although, more research is needed to claim this statement.
7. RELIEF STRESS AND BETTER YOUR MOOD : Intaking banana is considered good in order to get relief from stress and improve your mood. Because it has an essential amino acid that is called Tryptophan. When we eat a banana, our body automatically converts Tryptophan into serotonin. Serotonin is a feeling good neurotransmitter.
8. HELPS TO LOSS WEIGHT : Bananas can be one of the best addition in weight loss diet as it has rich fiber content that promotes the feeling of fullness and reduce your appetite and overall calorie intake.
9. BOOSTS YOUR ENERGY : Bananas contain high carbohydrates and some natural sugers and rejuvenate you and kick your energy. For a sportsman and an athlete, banana in diet is a boon.
10. MAY MINIMISE CANCER RISK : Bananas help to reduce certain cancer risk as it has antioxidants and phytochemical.
11. LOWER SUGER LEVEL : Bananas is a ideal diet for athletes and fitness lover as it has three natural sugers – glucose, sucrose and fructose. This gives you a suger free energy that’s why Majority of people take it in breakfast.
- Moreover, banana is also rich in soluble fibre that dissolves in liquid to form a gel during digestion.
- Unripe banana contains resistant starch that is also a type of fiber that human body don’t digest. After having meal these both kind of fibers helps in moderating your blood suger level.
12. HEART HEALTH : A medium size banana contains 10% potassium of the DV. According to experts, potassium plays a vital role for heart health as well as in blood pressure management. Apart from this, a study on mice also suggests that potassium is good for heart health
Although, There are various health benefits of bananas, but some risk factors also should not be ignored.
MIGRAINE PROBLEM : Some people may face migraine.
ALLERGY : Banana may have allergic reaction in some people. Someone should consult with doctor, if anyone suffers from swelling, itching and difficulty in breathing.
BETA-BLOCKERS : Banana is rich in potassium. If your kidneys are not working properly, then you should avoid excessive intaking of potassium. Because it can be really fatal for your health.
Is eating bananas everyday healthy ?
If someone is going through uncontrolled diabetes, high blood pressure or late stage of kidney failure, then definitely they should consult with a health professional first to check I bananas are safe for them or not.
Do bananas increase blood suger level ?
Although, American Diabetes Association suggests eating bananas and fruits that are high in fiber, because fiber may lower blood suger level. banana can rise blood suger level, but it depends on some factors like its size and ripeness.
What are the health benefits of bananas ?
There are various health benefits of bananas like :
- Improve blood suger level
- Good for heart health
- Lower suger level
- Minimise cancer risk
- Good for reproductive health
- Boosts energy
- Helps to get rid of asthma
- Relief stress
- Better your mood
- Good for skin health
- Weight loss
- Improve digestive health
- Cure kidney problems