Table of Contents
There is high vitamins A and vitamin C and other nutrients in Bitter Melon. It contains compounds that may have health benefits. Bitter gourd – also known as bitter melon – And it’s cultivated across the world for its edible fruit. The Chinese variety is typically long, pale green, and covered with wart-like bumps. On the other hand, the Indian variety is more narrow and has pointed ends with rough, jagged spikes on the rind. In addition to its sharp flavor and distinct appearance, bitter melon has been associated with several impressive health benefits.
- Firstly, Bitter melon especially rich in vitamin C that is prominent micronutrient help to prevent from health issues and beneficial in bone formation as well.
- Apart from this, vitamin A is second rich element in bitter melon and that’s help to improve vision and promote skin health, as it is fat-soluble vitamin.
- Bitter melon can be found in aisan and Indian grocery stores or markets, especially in between June to November. However, it is harvested when immature that’s why they appear green. Moreover, they lose their much of nutritional value when they turn a pale oragne..
Bitter melon or bitter gourd is a great source of several key nutrients.
- Calories : 21
- Protein : 0.86 grams
- Carbohydrates : 4.26 grams
- Sugars : 0 grams
- Fiber : 2 grams
- Carbs : 4 grams
- Vitamin A : 44% of the DV
- Vitamin C : 99% of the Daily Value (DV)
- Folate : 17% of the DV
- Iron : 4% of the DV
- Potassium : 8% of the DV
- Zinc : 5% of the DV

1. REDUCES BLOOD SUGER : In recent years, studies confirmed that bitter-melon can cure diabetes-related health conditions. Moreover, majority of population use it as a blood sugar preventor. In first study, 2000 mg bitter melon are given to 40 people everyday for 4 week and surprisingly, there was modest reduction blood suger level. Apart from this, In another study 24 adults took same quantity of bitter melon for 3 months and they got same astonishing results. The reason behind is very simple, the supplement decreases the level of fructosamine – that is short term maker of long term blood suger control.
2. DECREASE CHOLESTEROL LEVEL : High cholesterol build up plaque in the arteries that cause severe heart disease or heart attack. In order to, support heart health and decrease cholesterol level bitter melon is one of the best medicine, some animal studies showed.
3. CAN BE CANCER FIGHTER : Some researches showed that bitter melon has compounds with cancer fighting properties. For instance, an older test tube research showed that bitter gourd extract was effective at killing cancer tissues of colony, lung, stomach, and nasopharynx.
Whereas one another animal study also found that bitter melon extract was capable to block the growth and promote cancer cell death.
4. PROBLEM OF JOINT’S PAIN : Massage with bitter gourd leave’s or bitter gourd juice is really fabulous in order to alleviate pain. Just for a week try it and you will see good results.
5. ULCERS IN MOUTH : Mix a little alum with half a cup of bitter gourd juice in a glass of water and gargle twice a day, it cures mouth ulcers.
6. OBESITY : Bitter gourd have an prominent addition to a weight loss diet. Because it is low in calories and high in fiber that is 2 grams of fiber in each 100g serving. Fiber flow through your digestive system quite slowly, therefore it helps you to keep fuller for longer and reduces hunger. Half a cup of bitter gourd juice mix it in a cup of water, squeeze a lemon in it and drink it on an empty stomach, it reduces obesity.
7. SWELLING : Half cup of bitter gourd juice, one and half teaspoon of dry ginger powder, mix it with a little water. Drinking this twice a day can relief your swelling.
8. BURNING SENSATION : Applying juice of bitter gourd’s leaves on burning area will be beneficial. For this you can use bitter gourd juice as well It subsides burning sensation within a few minutes.
9. ACIDITY : Mix half a cup of bitter gourd juice in a quarter cup of water and include amla powder. By drinking it thrice a day provides relief in acidity.
10. BURNING : Apply bitter gourd juice or bitter gourd paste on the burnt area. By doing this the problem subsides.
11. CALCULI ( STONES IN BODY ) : (A) Bitter gourd contains magnesium, phosphorus which breaks the stones in your body, whether it is kidney or bladder stones, it breaks and brings it out through urine. For this, drink the juice of two bitter gourds and eat vegetables.
B ) Mix the juice of two bitter gourds and a cup of buttermilk daily. Drink it twice a day, until the stones comes out.
C) Bitter gourd brings more urine. By drinking its juice the burning sensation of urine goes away. Bitter gourd juice on an empty stomach is more beneficial.
D) six spoons of bitter gourd leave’s juice and mix four spoons in curd and drink, after that take a cup of buttermilk.
NOTE : Remember initially follow this process for three days and after that stop doing it three days afterwards, then continue it for next four days and again after for days stop it for four days. Similiarly, five, six and so on. In the period of this procedure, Eat rice and khichdi only.
- Liver damage
- Taking high amount of bitter gourd cause diarrhea and abdominal pain.
- kidney problems
- abortion in pregnant people, it’s not recommended to the women who are pregnant.
- If taken with insulin then it can be dangerous in lowering blood suger level. So, you should first consult with you healthcare provider before having it if you are taking any blood suger lowering medication.
- gastric ulcers
NOTE : Beyond occasional intaking of bitter melon can cause some side effects too and disturb other medications.