- Calories : 64
- Fiber : 3 grams
- Protein : 1 gram
- Fat : 0.44 gram
- Carbs : 14 grams
- Vitamin C : 83% of the Daily value (DV)
- Vitamin K : 34% of the DV
- Vitamin E : 9% of the DV
- Copper : 15% of the DV
- Folate : 7% of the DV
- Potassium : 4% of the DV
- Magnesium : 4% of the DV
1. IMPROVE DIGESTIVE HEALTH : Kiwi contains both type of fibers insoluble and soluble as well. As it contains fiber, so it supports digestive health and healthy gut bacterias along with blood suger regulation and heart health.
2. BENEFICIAL FOR HEART HEALTH : Kiwi is one of the best diet for heart health and reduces heart diseases risk too. In a study, 102 people ate three kiwi for 8 week. Finally, a reduction In the blood pressure and platelet aggregation had shown at the end of the 8th week. Actually, Platelet sticks and form a plaque in the heart vessel walls and increases the risk of heart attack. Moreover, the incident sticking platelet and forming a plaque in the heart vessel walls is known as atherosclerosis.
3. RICH IN VITAMIN C : Kiwi has rich content of Vitamin C that plays many important roles in you body as well as prevent cells from oxidative damage.
4. SKIN HEALTH : Additionally, vitamin C that is contains in kiwi also quite beneficial for skin health.
5. VITAL SOURCE OF POTASSIUM : There are numerous health benefits of potassium that is contained in kiwi around 4% of the DV. It helps your kidneys, heart and muscles to function properly. Apart from this it also lower the risk of kidney stones, type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis, high blood pressure and strokes.
6. STOPS HAIR FALL : Crucial elements conatin in kiwi liek magnesium, phosphorus, zinc and other nutrients including vitamin C and vitamin E. These all plays a vital role in reducing hair loss.
7. IMPROVE VISION HEALTH : Vitamins and Carotenoids found in kiwi may prevent eye diseases and good for ocular health.
8. AS AN ANTIOXIDANT : Due to Vitamin E and vitamin C in kiwi, it’s also a great source of antioxidants that prevent your skin from radical damage and boosts you health. According to Culbertson, intaking of antioxidant rich food like kiwi, can be very beneficial for your heart health and prevent from diseases.
Kiwi can be used for various purposes like making beverage, dessert or salad.
AS A FRUIT SALAD : You can make fruit salad by splicing kiwi fruit and adding some fruits like blueberries, mangos, strawberries and apple’s splices for a colorful as well as delicious fruit salad.